

func isRefObject[T](val: Option[T]): bool {.compileTime.}
Checks if the inner type of the optional variable is a ref object
func isRefObject[T](val: T): bool {.compileTime.}
Checks if a given variable is of type ref object
func isRefObject[T](val: typedesc[Option[T]]): bool {.compileTime.}
Checks if the inner type of an given optional type is a ref object
func isRefObject[T](val: typedesc[T]): bool {.compileTime.}
Checks if a given type is of type ref object
func toOptional[T: ref object](val: Option[T]): Option[T]
Convert optional type to optional type, doing effectively nothing
func toOptional[T: ref object](val: T): Option[T]
Converts non optional type to optional type